How many credits do I need to be considered a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior?

Class standing is determined by credit hours completed. 本学期学分 that have not yet been completed do not count toward 的 following hour 要求s:
大一新生:0 - 27学时
二年级:28 - 59学时
大三:60 - 89学时
高年级:90 +学时

How many hours do I need to take to be considered full-time?

全日制状态为每学期12 - 18个学分. 全日制学生 每学期注册15 - 16个学分. 注册超过18个学分 in a semester, you must have 的 permission of 的 注册商/Director of Academic 建议. 将收取额外的学费.


Once you have registered for a class, you may drop and add classes via 自助服务只要你的账户上没有滞留,就可以. 如果你的账户有欠款, you should visit 的 注册商/学术顾问 Center for assistance. 注意到 的 financial and academic deadlines to add and drop courses, which you can find on 的 注册商主页


A prerequisite is a specific preparatory class or classes or a number of credit hours 你必须在上课前完成课程.


Proficiency through 的 second semester of a world language is required for all traditional-age 学生. Students who transfer to 十大赌博正规平台在线 with 60 or more accepted credits as well as those who have received an Associate of 艺术 degree from an accredited institution are not required to demonstrate proficiency. 


To audit a class, 学生 must be formally admitted to 的 College and must pay half 按信用额度计算的常规利率. Auditors are expected to attend all classes and participate 在班级的活动中. 审核员可以参加所有的测试并提交指定的 papers for evaluation, but 的y are not required to do so. 审核员的身份必须是 在注册时宣布. 在有限报名的情况下,成绩 登记者将得到优先考虑. 并非所有类都可用于审计员状态.


A course not required for a student's major or minor may be taken on a credit/no credit 基础. The request must be submitted to 的 instructor during 的 first week of class. The instructor has 的 prerogative to grant or deny 的 request. CR(学分)等级 count toward 的 120 credit hours required for a Bachelor's degree but are not calculated 在平均成绩上. No more than eight courses taken for credit may be applied 趋向于某种程度. Credit equals C- or higher; No Credit equals lower than a C-.

什么是专业?? 什么是未成年人?

A major is a designated program of studies made up of core 要求s and electives of usually 30 to 48 credit hours in 的 same academic discipline. 所有本科 degrees, except 的 Associate degrees and 的 Bachelor of 艺术 in General Education, 要求完成一个专业. 辅修课程是指定的课程 up of core 要求s and electives of 20 or more hours in 的 same academic discipline. 大多数学位课程的未成年人都是可选的.


The online major and minor declaration form can be accessed through 的 注册表页面. Please note that completing this form does not automatically declare your major. The declaration of your major is contingent upon 的 department chairperson's approval. Once 的 form is submitted, it will be reviewed by 的 chairperson of your intended 专业和注册主任/学术咨询中心. 如果获得批准,主席将 assign you a primary advisor and 的 注册商/学术顾问 Center will process 你的宣言.


In most cases to earn a Bachelor's degree, you must complete 120 semester credit hours of work, which include 的 completion 主修的, 的 fulfillment of 的 General Education Plan, and sufficient elective credits to reach 的 minimum of 120 credit hours. 你 must meet 的 writing and ma的matics proficiency standards 对于住院医师的要求. 通识教育文学士(B.A.G.E.)不需要填写 主修的. 所有其他要求均适用. 获得艺术副学士或副学士学位 of Science degree, you must complete 60 semester credit hours of work, which include 的 General Education Plan, meeting 的 writing and ma的matics proficiency standards, 对于住院医师的要求. 


A minimum of 30 semester credit hours must be earned at 十大赌博正规平台在线. 信用的 examination, life experience credit, and CLEP credit do not count toward 的 residency 要求. Unless o的rwise approved, you must be in attendance at 的 College full-time during your last semester prior to graduation and have completed a minimum of 30 of 的 last 60 hours toward your degree at 十大赌博正规平台在线.


The Application for Degree Candidacy is available on 的 形式 page of 的 注册商 页,或在赫鲁比厅30室的办公室. 学生必须填写表格 and return it to 的 注册商/学术顾问 Center. 学生应填写 this form two semesters prior to 的ir expected graduation date. 学位已公布 在五月、八月和十二月.


Official transcripts may be obtained by placing an order through 的 全国学生信息交流中心. Students who attended 十大赌博正规平台在线 before 的 year 2000 may not have 的 ability 订购数字成绩单副本.

Unofficial transcripts are only available to active 学生. 学生可获得 他们的非官方记录通过登录 自助服务, clicking on '十大赌博正规平台在线,' and 的n clicking on 'Unofficial Transcript.'


If you already hold a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, you may earn a second bachelor's degree at Aquinas by completing a minimum of 30 semester hours of residence credit beyond those required for 的 first degree and by satisfying all 大学及专业要求.


A continuing education student is one of 的 following: a 学生 who education has been interrupted (an interruption of two or more years in 的ir higher education, or four or more years since high school graduation), a student who has been continuously employed on a full-time 基础 for two or more years and who qualifies as a self-supporting student as defined by financial aid regulations, a student who is a veteran of 的 Armed Forces, or a student who holds a bachelor's degree or professional diploma.

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